Study Name: Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth Genetics Study
Principal Investigator: Janet Silverstein, M.D.
Study Coordinator: Jamie Thomas
Phone: (352) – 294 – 5760
What is the TODAY Genetics Study?
We are interested in people who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when they were less than 21 years of age and would like to give their DNA sample. The study will also inform the primary care provider if pancreatic autoimmunity is detected.
Who can participate?
- Clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes by care provider
- BMI 85th percentile documented at time of diagnosis
- Age < 21 at time of diagnosis
Who can’t participate?
- Genetic syndrome or disorder known to affect glucose tolerance other than diabetes
- Patient on medication known to affect glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity or secretion within 60 days of the time of diagnosis
- Only one person per family may participate
What do I have to do as a participant?
This study requires a blood draw and an interview about family and medical history. Subjects are reimbursed $20 for the visit, plus parking if applicable.
For more information, please contact study coordinators using the phone number listed above.