Study Name: Consortium for Identification of Environmental Triggers: Triggers and Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study
Principal Investigator: Desmond Schatz, M.D.
Phone: 352-334-0843
Toll free: 877-343-2377
What is the TEDDY Study?
The TEDDY Study is an international research study to discover the causes of type 1 diabetes.
Who can participate?
Any newborn under the age of 3 months.
What do I have to do as a participant?
The initial screening is to determine your child’s genetic risk to develop type 1 diabetes. This requires a few drops of blood by heel stick either at the same time as the state mandated newborn screening or performed by the pediatrician or the parent.
Babies who are found to be at a high genetic risk to develop type 1 diabetes in the future are eligible to enroll in TEDDY II. TEDDY II will closely examine the child’s environmental risk factors.