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Stephen Anton

The WISE (Weightloss Intervention Surgical Effects) Brain Study

Study Name: Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Bariatric Surgery Effects on Brain Function Study Principal Investigator: Ron A. Cohen, Ph.D. | The University of Florida Department of Clinical Health and Psychology Contact: 352-294-5837 What is the Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Bariatric Surgery Effects on Brain Function Study? This study is being…

UF researcher finds connection between sitting and diabetes

Time spent in sedentary behaviors could affect whether some people develop Type 2 diabetes later in life. Data from the Women's Health Initiative shows postmenopausal women who sat more than 16 hours during their waking day had the highest risk of developing diabetes. The UF analysis also found that the high risk of diabetes remained even if they otherwise exercised five days a week, 30 minutes per day. Read more.