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UFDI Director receives ADA Award

Dr. Mark Atkinson is currently the American Diabetes Association Eminent Scholar for Diabetes Research at the University of Florida (UF), the Jeffrey Keene Family Professor, and the Director for the UF Diabetes Institute. The author of over 600 publications, 2023 marks his 40th year of investigation into the field of type…

What does GRAS have to do with Diabetes?

You can listen to an interview on Diabetes Radio with Mark Atkinson, PhD, Desmond Schatz, MD, and Robert Levine, MD, or read about GRAS in the American Diabetes Association publication, Diabetes.

Florida Department of Health lights Florida Historic Capital Blue

At dusk on World Diabetes Day, the Florida Historic Capitol Museum will light up in blue, joining the Empire State Building, Sydney's Opera House, Niagara Falls, the Pyramids and over a thousand other iconic landmarks across the world in honoring the battle against diabetes.

Walk to Stop Diabetes – Gators Step Out

We are walking and raising funds for the American Diabetes Association's signature fundraising walk, Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. Join our Gator team or donate to the cause. The walk is November 12th in Jacksonville, FL.

UF’s Champion for Kids with Diabetes

"Camp makes a huge difference," said Silverstein, the camp's longtime medical director. "Each child thinks he or she is the only person in the world struggling with the disease. Then there's a whole cabin full of kids who also have to take insulin injections and check their blood glucose levels and have to worry about low blood glucose with exercise."