In honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, we are releasing the Spanish version of our animated diabetes education series…Kara & the not so Dire Beastie
Kara and the (Not So) Dire Beastie is the story of a 10-year-old girl diagnosed with type 1 diabetes who goes on an adventure that helps her learn what it means to live with diabetes and what’s involved in daily D-management. By navigating her way through a fairy…
ECHO Type 1 Diabetes
ECHO Type 1 Diabetes is an 18-month pilot program, which is allowing researchers at the University of Florida and Stanford University to learn more about how to improve care access for underserved adult and pediatric communities living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).
Delta Epsilon Psi Scholarship For Students With Diabetes
Delta Epsilon Psi is excited to announce their first ever scholarship on the behalf of the Rho Chapter Alumni Association. DEPsi is offering a $600 scholarship to any full-time University of Florida student with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes and a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA. The financial burden…
Adult T1D Social
Join JDRF North Florida for an adult T1D social on Thursday, January 26th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Ballyhoo Grill. Email Pam Williams to RSVP See flyer below for more details: Email Pam Williams to RSVP…
UF researchers discover link between ZIP14 and NTBI
We found that overexpression of ZIP14 and ZIP8, but not DMT1, resulted in increased NTBI uptake by βlox5 cells, a human β cell line. Conversely, siRNA-mediated knockdown of ZIP14, but not ZIP8, resulted in 50% lower NTBI uptake in βlox5 cells.
How exercise shifts fat from white to brown
Exercise may aid in weight control and help to fend off diabetes by improving the ability of fat cells to burn calories. Repost from The New York Times…
Grip strength test may reveal diabetes
Written by David Williams. “Your grip strength is what researchers at the University of Florida studied, using national data from nearly 2,000 people, who might be missed when screening for diabetes and hypertension.”…