Taylor Batten

SA Flyer

What are your career & professional goals? I hope to pursue a career in the awareness and education for Diabetes. It is something that I am very passionate about and would love to eventually work to help individuals with diabetes and advocate for awareness.

Why did you join the UFDI ambassador program? I always wanted to be involved in something with diabetes when I got to college. I somehow stumbled upon the UFDI website when I was in high school. This led to me going on a tour of the UFDI while I was visiting the UF. I fell in love with it and wanted to be involved once I was officially enrolled in UF.

How has being a UFDI ambassador impacted you? It has opened my eyes to the diabetes community and I have learned so much more about the disease through my peers. It has also showed me how many opportunities there are to raise more awareness and educate the public who do not know about diabetes. It has overall shaped my views and educated me even more as a diabetic.

What has been you favorite quarantine pastime? I loved playing tennis with my sister and mom everyday.