Tell Congress to increase diabetes funding!

Some Members of Congress want to derail ongoing diabetes research and undermine proven prevention efforts despite the fact that a staggering 100+ million Americans either have or are at risk of developing diabetes.

We must act fast – Congress is in the process of setting funding levels for critical diabetes research and prevention programs.That’s why you need to speak out today – before your lawmakers make any decisions that could have a devastating impact on the lives of millions of Americans.

Email your lawmakers with a simple message: Increase funding for diabetes research and prevention!

Today’s a big day: Diabetes Advocates from across the country whose Members of Congress serve on the powerful House and Senate Appropriations Committees are in Washington, D.C. for our Capitol Hill Advocacy Day to talk with their elected officials about stopping the diabetes epidemic.

When you click here to send a message, you can help ensure everyMember of Congress hears from people affected by diabetes today – before they make important budget decisions or vote on any alarming proposals!

Your lawmakers need to hear from you because one in three American adults will have diabetes by 2050 unless our leaders support efforts to stop this life-threatening disease. Please ask your lawmakers to:

  • Invest in the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the primary federal agency conducting research to find a cure and advance diabetes treatments.
  • Expand the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Diabetes Translation’s national, state, and community programs providing essential education about diabetes risk, complications, treatment, and management to the public, health care providers, and patients.
  • Fund the National Diabetes Prevention Program to dramatically expand the reach of proven community programs that prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Reauthorize the Special Diabetes Programs so it can continue to yield research advances that are helping to better treat, prevent, and lead us closer to a cure for type 1 diabetes and provide desperately needed programs in the Native American and Alaska Native communities so devastated by diabetes.

Join the Diabetes Advocates visiting their Members of Congress in Washington, D.C. today by emailing your lawmakers now and urging them to increase funding for diabetes research and prevention. These programs are too important to ignore.

For more information, please visit the ADA website.