Last week JDRF launched the Artificial Pancreas Campaign. Now, they need your help. You can help the FDA understand what having access to the Artificial Pancreas will mean to those living with diabetes by signing a petition. The goal of the initiative is to convince the FDA to adopt the recommendations of clinical experts to advance the development of an artificial pancreas, a device which has the potential to be the most revolutionary advancement in the treatment of T1D since the discovery of insulin. The petition will be presented to the FDA and leading Members of Congress to demonstrate the enormous support for accelerated progress on making a safe and effective artificial pancreas available in America as soon as possible. FDA obstacles have already prevented Americans affected by T1D from using the low glucose suspend (LGS) insulin pump, a precursor to the artificial pancreas. Meanwhile, patients in over 40 other countries, including Canada, England, France, and Germany, can obtain the LGS device. The artificial pancreas will do more than just help those living with diabetes. If widely adopted, the artificial pancreas will help address our nation’s spiraling medical costs, saving Medicare nearly $2 billion over 25 years.
Hope you’re ready to help us kick off the Artificial Pancreas Advocacy Campaign (APAC) today! You can start by joining the Artificial Pancreas petition, which asks the FDA to make sure the artificial pancreas (AP) is available as soon as possible.
We need as many people to add their name to this petition as possible, please share this post with your family and friends!
Once you submit the petition, you can help us spread the word even further by ‘Liking’ or ‘Tweeting’ our petition page so you can share your support with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
If you have any questions or comments please email